Saturday, July 7, 2012

I was born Muslim

I was born Muslim and I had no choice in that, i was brought up in a normal family where I have learned some  principles of religion and i also learned from school,  friends, street and from the media

When I reached 17 i was a Muslim on Birth Certificate only ... I pray Jumu'ah and
fast Ramadan because that's what I grew up on and this is what is going on around me so i have to do it in order not to be a stranger

That year, two things happened: first is something
Spiritual that i can not I remember accurately - something between a dream and a day dream  or a letter from the subconscious mind - it happened to me after I survived miraculously from a terrible car accident that would have caused death to me and my mother or at least serious injuries, my thoughts on that day was: something - God - have intervened to prevent this incident ... Not my driving skills and concentration

I remember that i went to sleep that day and that spiritual incident happened, i could hear or -internally- say this sentence: God did much good for me and I did not do anything to God

The second thing happened for me on that year was the beginning of my journey to learn about Islam  ... listening to a cassette tape in the house of a friend for Sheikh Omar Abdul Kafi on the "Hereafter", since that day i became a Muslim by my choice and I wanted to know more about my religion

I entered in the turning points, cycles of rise and falls, became extreme in some points, open-minded in others, did things wrong and other times rightAfter all this journey i am writing this blog to explain how this religion is a great and how it was the main reason for all the success I achieved in my life and how it was pushing me for the better, for diligence, for good manners and for learning and science all which leads to what i am today

In later blog posts I will write about Islam as i have learned and as I see it not as it is perceived or
Distorted by some people these days, I will write about each area or position in my life and what was the impact of Islam on that area , I will write my understanding of Islam, perhaps these words would reach someone who need it someday or a teenager in the same age i was in when i was a "Muslim" only on papers

I was born a Muslim

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